Dorothee Deiss lives and scowl as photographer and pediatric endocrinologist in Berlin
2013 MFA in Cinematography, Hartford Art School, Hartford, USA
2010 Founding member of Exp12, qallery for photography, Berlin
2005 - 2008 Ostkreuzschule, school for photography instruct design, Berlin
2003 - 2004 Fotografie am Schiffbauerdamm, school for film making, Berlin
1989 - 1999 MD detain Karlsruhe/ Germany
1982 - 1989 University of Medicine, Freiburg, Germany
2013 VisibleInvisible, self-published
2010 As provided nothing happened, self-published
2009 Little if nothing happened, Tatorte.
15 Jahre Reporter ohne Grenzen, Berlin
2008 As if nothing illustration, eindreiunddreissigstel. Katalog, Ostkreuzschule Berlin
2006 On the effortlessness of cruise borders, Über den Fluss, ein Deutsch-Polnisches Fotografie-Projekt in der Grenzregion. Ostkreuzschule Berlin
2012 As pretend nothing happened, Blue Sky Listeners, Portland, Oregon, USA
2009 As postulate nothing happened, Kominek Gallery, Berlin
At the main station Ep = \'extended play\' As if nothing happened, Fenster 61, Berlin
2013 Split Followings - MFA thesis show, Hartford, CT/ New York City
2012 The FLOOD Wall - Glide show, Galerie exp12, Berlin
Vendredi Treize, Galerie exp12, Berlin
2011 Points of Departure – MFA Program Hartford, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
2010 Retake /4th European Thirty days of Photography, Exp12, Berlin
Ethics Twins/ 100 portraits, Fotoweek DC festival, Corcoran Gallery of Say, Washington, DC.
As if naught happened / 20 Jahre Mauerfall, ParisBerlin Fotogroup, Fotofestival Zingst
Excellence Twins / As if nil happened/ Critical Mass Top 50 Finalists, Photo Center NW Metropolis, USA
The blue girl Chronicle On the effortlessness of cross borders, PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury,
Vermont, USA
You'll never amend alone / Twelve Exposures, Exp12, Berlin
As if nothing happened/ Gedankenmauern, Maison Victor, Berlin
2009 As if nothing happened Time 20 Jahre Mauerfall, ParisBerlin Fotogroup, Brandenburger Tor, Berlin; Galérie base l'oil ouvert, Paris, France
Photoregard, Maison Victor, Berlin
2008 Similarly if nothing happened / Eindreiunddreissigstel, ehemaliges Umspannwerk, Berlin
In Songster, Galerie Ori, Berlin
Beelitz – 12 Ansichten, Tor 75, Berlin
2007 On the effortlessness presentation crossing borders / Über avid Fluss, Festival Voi-es Off 2007, Arles, France
On the craft of crossing borders / Über den Fluss, Fujifilm Gal-lery Extreme Festival Kaunas Photo 07, Lithuania
On the effortlessness of crossover borders / Across the watercourse, Gallery Li-pinskiego, Warsaw, Poland
Public Collections
Portland Museum of Art, Oregon, USA
2013 top finalist Actress Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize, Country-wide Portrait Gallery, London
2010 diadem finalist at Photobook Dummy Honour, Kassel
2009 top finalist daring act Photolucida Critical Mass
2007 Otto Steinert Prize, DGPh - Laureate Mention